Senior Responsibilities

My Year 5 Jobs:

Junior Concil

  • For this, we go and help the junior classes on wet and rainy days at lunch time.

Sports Council

  • After lunch I go around and pick up any left out PE gear. We open up the bike and PE shed in the morning and close it in the afternoon. We also organise any games that need to be set up for sports days and help Mr Butler, our PE teacher.

IT Manager

  • We run the slides for assembly and whanau time. We are going to be learning more about tech and programming with Mr A. He is our technology and science teacher. We also help teachers with their devices and the juniors as well.

Peer Mediator

  • We walk around helping others with problems they might have.

Quick Write Week- 4

You can choose one new subject or sport to be taught at school. What do you choose and why?

I would choose surfing and boogie boarding because it’s fun being in the water and speeding on a wave and you feel like you’re flying in space yelling “WEEEEEEEEE”. I like crashing into my sister laughing until your head falls off!!! It would be lots of fun to have surfing as a subject at school!  🙂

That’s why I would like to have surfing at school!!!!

Cedar Flat Tramp

On the 9th of January Me, Renny, Mum and Dad walked up to Cedar Flat Hut. At the start of the tramp we had to walk through a farm for 20 minutes to get to the main track. We had walk for one hour to get to the river bed section some the track was boardwalk to get to the river section. There was a small slip we had to climb down to get to the river bed.  Walking along the river bed we had to climb over rocks and boulders, some were slippery so we had to be careful.  We filled our drink bottles up with fresh water from the river, it was cold and refreshing.  Before we had lunch we had to cross a big side creek that had raging water going down into the river.  Dad had to help get us across, we took off our packs and he carried us through the creek.  Dad and Mum both went across and got wet boots.  It was a bit scary because the water was flowing fast and sounded loud.

We walked back up into the bush and had another 2 hours walking uphill to get to the Hut.  To get to the Hut we had to cross a little swing bridge, I tested its strength by jumping up and down on it!  Finaly we got to hut after 5 hours of tramping we were all tired and glad to get there.  After putting our sleeping bags on our bunks we went to the hot springs that come out of the hill by the creek.   They were really hot and smelt of sulpur.  We all could sit in the pool and rest our legs but there were lots of sandflies.


The next day we walked back to the car, I was very tired at the end but proud of doing the tramp.  My favourite part of the trip was when Dad walked into a muddy bog and it went up to his shins.  We all laughed.

Dicovery Friday

Today for dicovery Friday Mrs Hickford got a hotwater bottle, a tube and some water. Then she connected the tube to the hotwater bottle and told Indi to stand on the hotwater bottle. Next Mrs Hickford poured a jug of water down the tube and held the it above her head, slowly Indi started to rise off the ground beacuse the hotwater bottle was filling up and getting bigger. The resion this works is beacuse the presure of gravity is stronger the higher you lift the the tube the more downward presure than your weight.

Fake News

For reading this week Mrs Hickford  showed us a artacle about a new species of octopus called the northwest tree octopus after she showed us the article she told us that it was a fake. then we had to make our own fake  articles here is the link to my fake news.


Today Piwakawaka looked at what liquifaction is and how it happens. We created a mini liquifaction using corn flour and water, when we mixed the stuff togher it went soft and when we added presure the cornflour and water it turned hard.  Next Mrs Hickford told us that the same happens in an earthquake and when the ground shakes all the sandy soil comes to the top, making liquifaction.