Trip to the Gorge!

On Thursday Piwakawaka went to the Hokitika Gorge to learn about the Alpine Fault. When we got there we walked over to a big map showing the Alpine Fault, Mrs Hickford told us why it rains so much at Hokitika beacuse the clouds hit the Alpine Fault the only way to get over is to push the rain out so thats why it rains so much.



This week Piwakawaka had Harold come to school. A lady called Kelly told us what peer presure was. Then showed some different types of peer presure like bribing and saying “if you do it this time I’ll do it the next time” but they don’t, or “if you don’t do it I won’t be your friend”. Next she told us about some tools that you can use to escape doing it one of the tools were saying “you need to go tolet but run home” or  say “if you want me to do it why don’t you do it”.Then Harold told some jokes. why are elevator jokes the best…because they work on different levels.


This week for PE we played cone rage. Cone rage is a game when two teams have 6 cones in a square on each end of the field there is a line at half way and if you go onto the other teams side you can get tagged, if you get tagged you have to crouch down and wait for some from your team to tag you then then you run again. The main goal is to get a cone from the other teams square and run it back to your square. To win the game you have to have 12 cones in your square. I really like playing cone rage! Do you think you would like to cone rage???

Cybersmart Challenge

Piwakawaka’s cybersmart challenge for this week we had to copy a google doc and share it with a buddy you don’t normaly work with. Once you shared the doc with your buddy you had to play nort’s and crosses, once you played norts and crosses you had to write a story with your buddy and take turns writing words for the story. The point of doing it was to work collabortivly and trying something new?


Today the class made sheep and  daffodils. I made a daffodil. To make the daffodil you needed six pieces of origamy paper some scissors and cellotape. First you folded the paper diagonally twice then you cut 3 lines in the paper. Next you unfold the paper and cellotape the cuts together and you have a pettle. If you make 6 pettles you have enough to make a flower.


Piwakawaka has been writing and learning how to start a story and quickly hook your reader into wanting to read more. Miss Hickford told us to try start a story with someone talking and not to forget to put” at the start and end of the speech. I think its a lot easer to start a story using speech. 


This week piwakawaka made cinquain poems. Cinquain poems are poems that have five lines. The poem has to have a subject, two adjectives, three verbs and one synomyn to be a cinquain poem. I made two poems one was about soccer and the other was about snakes. I liked making the cinquain poems beacuse they’re easier to make than other types of poems. Do you think you would like to make a cinquain poem? Here are my poems.