Pet Day Project

Ruma Tui has been making videos about our pets for pet-day.  I used Canva to make my presentation. Then we put it on our blog and got to look at the rest of the class’s video’s. My favourite step was making the video. What whould your favourite step be?

Nibbiles by Finnian anva to make my video about Nibbles our family’s pet sheep.



One thought on “Pet Day Project

  1. Cool video-Alister.

    Alister watched your video too. he wrote the note above this. Very cool and very clever. I loved Nibbles in space and his glasses are really great -I think they would look good on me! School must be almost over for the year. You have done well and I am very proud of you. Look out for your Xmas present in the letter box. It shouldn’t be too far away Lots of love Granny Peas

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